Monday, November 18, 2013

I'm a Michigan Girl

Having been born and raised in Michigan, a gun right in front of me doesn't even phase me.
In fact, my dad is probably sitting in the garage cleaning out his hunting rifle right now.

Well what can I say? It's hunting season! It's the time of the year where my dad disappears for about a week and then comes home with coolers full of deer meat and a receipt from a taxidermist. To everyone in my family, this means that we'll be having venison for awhile and another addition to our wall of deer heads. Trust me, I know it's weird.

I have nothing against guns. In fact, I support the 2nd amendment. We have a right to bear arms. However, I completely agree that we have to redefine who "We" are when it comes to the right to bear arms. Not anyone can have a gun. Background checks, course requirements, gun safety tests, all these of things need to administered before anyone is given a gun.

In my parent's home, my dad has about 4 safes filled with guns ranging from all different types. He has a few hunting rifles, even a bow and arrow (I have no idea why), and some hand guns too.
No one in the family has access to the guns but him; no one knows any of the safe codes. All I know is that each safe has a different code. My dad is very protective of the guns when it comes to protecting his family, not only from potential enemies, but from us getting hurt by having access to it.

This summer, I am going to get licensed for a small handgun. Why? It's not even necessarily because I feel protected with a gun, but because it's kind of just apart of my life. I have to get licensed in order to go hunting with my dad!

Having a gun comes with a lot of responsibilities and those who are responsible do not neglect this. I have no solution, all I know is that if America can manage to let guns into the hands of only responsible people, then things would be better.

I'm a Michigan girl and guns are apart of my life.

Recreational gun usage can be safe